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DiverseFlakes - Nutrition Clinic has the digital app you need to make life more convenient. The mobile app is available for Apple and Android devices.

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Carry Nutrition Clinic in your pocket

DiverseFlakes - Nutrition Clinic have the digital tool you need to make life more convenient. The mobile apps are loaded with a lot of features which you need on a daily basis.

Some of the many features

  • See assigned Meal/Diet plans and recipes assigned.
  • Log meals & track daily calorie consumption.
  • Add measurement & track daily steps.
  • Set water and meal reminders.
  • Make subscription/package payments and more...

The DiverseFlakes - Nutrition Clinic app is a utility tool that will help you with all the wholesome information that you'll be looking for, for your kid's health. Just by visiting various columns, you'll get so many details about your kid's dietary eating patterns, healthy recipes and much more engrossing nutrition data.